The Sturgeon Full Moon 🌕
by Tamara Neale
Here we are again, another month has passed and we have come full circle.
Summer is a busy time
Always something on the go, plans and schedules, kids and events, it can feel like we hardly a moment for ourselves. That is one reason this moon is so important, it reminds you that even as the passage of time inches forward we are always brought back to the central place inside ourselves where nature reigns supreme and our instinct and intuition come from.
Super Blue Moon
A place ruled in part by astrological events like the Full Moon and with this one being a Super Blue Moon it may play a role in how our week shapes up. As the moon reaches its full potential, so does its energy, amplifying our own energies here on Earth, think about the volume of water it moves with each changing tide - and with that in mind, remember that us humans are 60% water!
illuminating your soul
The cycle of the moons is something we don’t always pay attention to, especially in the summer when the days are long and the opportunity to look up into the night sky doesn’t happen quite as often as the dark days of winter. Always remember that she is there for you, illuminating your soul as she makes her journey around the earth, time and again. Her simple rhythms remind us that there is beauty in repetition if we only slow down and take the time to enjoy the magic of each moment. I often look to the moon, bask in her glorious glow and imagine what she sees. The view from the heavens must be spectacular, seeing the delicate dance of earth as it shifts, tilts and spins its way sound the sun. The changing of the seasons, clouds, storms and aurora must be a sight to behold from 384,400 kilometers away, magical and undefinable by words.
”Syzygy” is the astronomical term for when three or more celestial bodies (such as the Sun, the Moon, and Earth) line up. When the Sun, Earth, and Moon form a syzygy, we experience a full or new moon, depending on whether the Moon is between the Sun and Earth or Earth is between the Sun and the Moon.
It all comes down to the fact that the Moon’s orbit around Earth is not a perfect circle— it’s an elliptical (oval) shape.
Because of this, the Moon’s distance from Earth changes as it travels around our planet. Additionally, Earth doesn’t sit directly in the middle of this elliptical orbit, so there are points in the Moon’s orbit where it is closest and farthest from Earth. These points are called perigee and apogee, respectively.
- Perigee is the point in the Moon’s orbit where it is closest to Earth.
- Apogee is the point in the Moon’s orbit where it is farthest from Earth
The Moon makes one complete orbit around Earth in about 29.53 days, which means it reaches its perigee and apogee points about once a month. When this occurs simultaneously as a full moon, it’s called a perigee-syzygy—or, more commonly, a supermoon!
There are two types of blue moons: monthly and seasonal
A monthly blue moon is when there are two full moons in a calendar month.
A seasonal blue moon occurs when there are four full moons in one astronomical season, instead of the usual three. When this happens, the third full moon of the four is called a seasonal blue moon.
The August 2024 full moon will be particularly special because it will be a blue moon — but not because it's the second full moon in a calendar month.
Instead, the August full moon will be a seasonal blue moon, which occurs when there are four full moons in a single astronomical season, instead of the usual three.
When this happens, the third full moon of the four is designated as a blue moon. This type of blue moon is a rare occurrence. The last seasonal blue moon was in August 2021, and the next one won't occur until May 2027.
The full moon is a perfect time to create a ritual around gratitude, since it is a time of heightened energy we can harness that into those rituals. It is also an excellent time to let go of things that are no longer serving you, releasing them to the full moon and feeling them get smaller as the moon enters its waning phase. It also helps to remind us once a month that we should take a moment to give gratitude to the earth, the air, the sun and the moon without which we would not be able to survive.
Take a few moments to find a special place, either in your house, outside or maybe at the beach or local park, where you can feel comfortable and safe, hopefully where you can see the full moon (although this is not necessary). If you would like you can spend some time decorating with Moon themed trinkets, crystals, candles or anything else that helps you create a space that feels sacred to you. Bring your hands together in front of you or place them on your body and close your eyes. Take 10 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, make sure to fill your lungs AND your belly with your breath, focusing on directing that energetic breath to the places you need it most within your body.
The full moon is a great time to “shine a light” on all that we have. So start with the things that we often take for granted but are surrounded by each and every day.
Start with the words “Thank you” and honor our ancestral mothers and fathers of the spirit world or anyone or anything else you would like to Thank.
Thank you Earth, I am grateful for your nurturing and the feeling of abundance and love you provide.
Thank you Air, I am grateful for the oxygen we breathe and the feeling of your cool breeze on our skin.
Thank you Sun, I am grateful for your warmth and light and the feeling of joy you bring us.
Thank you Moon, I am grateful for the illumination of our Souls and for keeping our natural rhythms
Thank you body for being so beautiful and healthy, I am grateful for all you do to keep me alive and thriving!
I am grateful for ______(try for feelings not just events)
Example: Understanding myself and my needs and being able to take care of myself in a way that feels good for me.
Example: For the ability to grow my own food and provide healthy, delicious meals for my family.
repeat as many times as necessary
Recite each one aloud or write them in a journal, feel free to repeat as many times as necessary so that you are able to invoke the feeling inside yourself. When you have written or recited all that you need to, sit or stand quietly for a few minutes and soak in all that gratitude, let it fill every cell in your body and know that you are able to feel like this every time you perform this ritual. Ask the Full Moon to help you solidify that gratitude in your soul and to remind you of all that you are grateful each and every time you glance the moon in the sky.
Happy Full Moon,
xo, Tam